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16, 1999 GSP Subcommittee Trade Policy Staff Committee Office of the U.S. Trade
Representative 600 17th Street NW, Room 518 Washington, DC 20508 Re: Request for Review of the Intellectual Property Rights Practices of the Dominican Republic in the 1999 Annual GSP Country Eligibility Practices Review, 64 Fed. Reg. 20046 (April 23, 1999) To the Subcommittee: The
Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) of the Office of the United States Trade
Representative (USTR) published in the April 23, 1999, Federal Register a
notice announcing the 1999 Annual Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
Product and Country Eligibility Practices Review. USTR indicated that interested
parties "may submit petitions to have the GSP status of any eligible
beneficiary developing country reviewed with respect to any of the designation
criteria listed in subsections 502(b) or 502(c) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C.
2462(b) and (c))." See 64 Fed. Reg. 20047. The
International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) hereby submits its request
that the eligibility of the Dominican Republic as a GSP beneficiary developing
country be reviewed, and that its GSP benefits be suspended or withdrawn, in
whole or in part, if requisite improvements are not made by the Dominican
Republic to remedy the deficiencies (outlined below) which adversely affect
U.S. copyright owners. In 1998, the Dominican Republic exported goods valued at
$44.4 million to the U.S. which received preferential duty-free treatment under
the GSP Program, which represented approximately 2.81% of its total exports to
the U.S., according to U.S. government statistics. Last year, Congress
reauthorized the GSP program through June 30, 1999. Currently there are several
bills pending before Congress which would extend the GSP program. In
addition, IIPA requests that the eligibility of the Dominican Republic as a
beneficiary developing country under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
(CBERA) be reviewed, and that its CBERA benefits be suspended or withdrawn, in
whole or in part, if improvements are not made by the Dominican Republic to
remedy the deficiencies (outlined below) which adversely affect U.S. copyright
owners. Also in 1998, the Dominican Republic exported goods valued at $1.29
billion to the U.S. which received preferential duty-free treatment under
CBERA, which represented about 81.9% of total exports to the U.S. Petitioner and its
Interest: The International Intellectual Property Alliance IIPA
is a coalition of seven trade associations that collectively represent the U.S.
copyright-based industries -- the motion picture, music and recording, business
and entertainment software, and book publishing industries. IIPA’s member
associations are the Association of American Publishers (AAP), AFMA (formerly
the American Film Marketing Association), the Business Software Alliance (BSA),
the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA), the Motion Picture
Association of America (MPAA), the National Music Publishers’ Association (NMPA) and the Recording Industry Association of America
(RIAA). These
member associations represent over 1,350 U.S. companies producing and
distributing works protected by copyright laws throughout the world -- all
types of computer software including business software and entertainment
software (such as videogame CDs and cartridges, personal computer CDs and
multimedia products); motion pictures, television programs, home videocassettes
and DVDs; music, records, CDs and audiocassettes; and textbooks, tradebooks,
reference and professional publications and journals (in both electronic and
print media). These U.S. copyright-based industries
represent the leading edge of the world's high technology, entertainment and
publishing industries. According to the most recent edition of the report, Copyright
Industries in the U.S. Economy: The 1998 Report, prepared for IIPA by
Economists, Inc., these core copyright
industries accounted for $278.4 billion in value added to the U.S. economy, or
approximately 3.65% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 1996 (the last year for which complete data
is available). The total
copyright industries accounted in 1996 for $433.9 billion in value added, or
approximately 5.68% of GDP. The core copyright industries’ share of the GDP
grew more than twice as fast as the remainder of the U.S. economy between 1977
and 1996 (5.5% vs. 2.6%). Employment in the core copyright industries grew at
close to three times the employment growth in the economy as a whole between
1977 and 1996 (4.0% vs. 1.6%). More than 6.5 million workers were employed by
the total copyright industries, about 5.15% of the total U.S. work force, in
1996. The core copyright industries accounted for an estimated $60.15 billion
in foreign sales and exports in 1996, a 13% gain over the $53.25 billion
generated in 1995. This report has been made widely available to officials
working on country and IPR issues at USTR, and throughout other agencies,
including the State Department, the Commerce Department, the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, and the U.S. Copyright Office. IIPA’s press release on the
issuance of this report is available on IIPA’s website, at http://www.iipa.com/html/pr_05071998.html. The
U.S. creative industries represent one of the few sectors of the U.S. economy
that regularly contributes to a positive balance of trade. It is essential to
the continued growth and future competitiveness of these industries that our
trading partners provide free and open markets and high levels of protection to
the copyrights on which this trade depends. Inexpensive and accessible
reproduction technologies make it possible for U.S. copyrighted works to be
pirated -- stolen -- in other countries, and including specifically for the
purposes of this petition, the Dominican Republic. However, the copyright
industries represented in IIPA lose an estimated $20-22 billion annually due to
piracy outside the United States. These staggering losses, if not halted, could
reverse this path of growth in these sectors, threaten the high wage employment
that these industries bring to the U.S. economy, and damage U.S.
competitiveness. In addition to the worldwide problem of piracy, several
foreign countries have erected market access barriers to U.S. copyright
products. To combat these dual problems in developing countries, the U.S.
copyright-based industries joined with the Administration and Congress to
fashion new legislation and negotiating tools. IIPA and its members have
supported various trade tools with IPR provisions over the years, including the
GSP Program, Special 301, Section 301, the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery
Act, and the Andean Trade Preferences Act. Action Requested by
Petitioner Pursuant
to the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2461 et seq.), IIPA, on
behalf of its seven trade association members, hereby petitions the President
to review the eligibility of the Dominican Republic as a GSP and CBERA
beneficiary developing country, and if requisite improvements are not made by
the Dominican Republic, then IIPA requests the President to suspend or withdraw
GSP and/or CBERA benefits of the Dominican Republic, in whole or in part, for
its failure to provide adequate and effective copyright protection for U.S.
copyright owners and its failure to provide equitable and reasonable access to
its markets. Legal Authority for this
Petition and Discussion of the IPR Criteria in the GSP and CBERA Statutes Provisions
tying intellectual property protection to trade benefits were first added to
the Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 [hereinafter "TTA 1984"]. Title V of
the TTA 1984, known as the GSP Renewal Act of 1984, renewed the GSP Program
which had been introduced in the Trade Act of 1974 [hereinafter "TA
1974"], and specifically required the President to consider intellectual
property protection in determining whether to designate a developing country as
eligible for GSP benefits. The GSP Program provides unilateral, non-reciprocal
duty-free tariff treatment to over 4,400 articles imported from more than 140
countries and territories designated beneficiary countries and territories
(these are less developing countries) to aid their economic development through
preferential market access. An additional 1,700 articles are eligible for GSP
treatment for specified least developing countries. While there has been a
minor change in the statutory language between the GSP Renewal Act of 1984 and
the GSP Renewal Act of 1996, the Act remains essentially the same as in 1984.
The legislative history of the 1984 Renewal Act is particularly instructive on
the important link between GSP benefits and strong IPR protection. The
GSP Renewal Act of 1984 In
the GSP Renewal Act of 1984, Congress specified conditions that GSP beneficiary
countries must meet in order to gain and maintain their preferential trading
status. In particular, one of these express conditions (which Congress also
delineated as one "purpose" of the GSP Program) was to encourage
developing countries "to provide effective means under which foreign
nationals may secure, exercise, and enforce exclusive intellectual property
rights." The
legislation required the President to apply mandatory and discretionary
criteria with respect to IPR protection as a condition to a country achieving
"beneficiary" status under the GSP Program. The mandatory criterion
prohibited the designation of a country from becoming a "beneficiary developing
country" if, for example, "such country has nationalized,
expropriated, or otherwise seized ownership or control of property, including
patents, trademarks, or copyrights, owned by a United States citizen or by a
corporation, partnership, or association which is 50 percent or more
beneficially owned by United States citizens." See Section
503(b)(4) of the GSP Renewal Act of 1984, now codified at 19 U.S.C.
2462(b)(2)(D). The
GSP Renewal Act of 1984 added as a discretionary criterion, in determining
whether to designate a developing country as eligible to receive GSP duty-free
trade treatment, that the President shall take into
account ... the extent to which [each] country is providing adequate and
effective means under its laws for foreign nations to secure, to exercise, and
to enforce exclusive rights in intellectual property, including patents,
trademarks, and copyrights. Section 503(c)(5) of the GSP
Renewal Act of 1984, codified at 19 U.S.C. 2462(c)(5). The Senate
Finance Committee Report explained that: To determine whether a country
provides "adequate and effective means," the President should
consider the extent of statutory protection for intellectual property
(including the scope and duration of such protection), the remedies available
to aggrieved parties, the willingness and ability of the government to enforce
intellectual property rights on behalf of foreign nationals, the ability of
foreign nationals effectively to enforce their intellectual property rights on
their own behalf and whether the country’s system of law imposes formalities or
similar requirements that, in practice, are an obstacle to meaningful
protection. S. Rep. No.98-485, 98th
Cong., 2d Sess. At 11 (1984). The Senate Report also noted: In delegating this discretionary
authority to the President, it is the intent of the Committee that the
President will vigorously exercise the authority to withdraw, to suspend or
to limit GSP eligibility for non-complying countries .... Where valid and reasonable
complaints are raised by U.S. firms concerning a beneficiary country’s market
access policy or protection of intellectual property rights, for example, it is
expected that such interests will be given prominent attention by the President
in deciding whether to modify duty-free treatment for that country. Id. at 12-13 (emphasis added). The House
Ways and Means Committee stated that "countries wishing to reap the
benefits of preferential duty-free access to the U.S. market must fulfill
international responsibilities" in the intellectual property area. House
Rep. No. 98-1090, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. at 12 (1984).
IPR criteria are a condition, not only for obtaining GSP benefits in the first
place, but also for retaining them. The 1984 Act authorized the President to
"withdraw, suspend, or limit the application of the duty-free treatment
accorded under Section 501 of this title with respect to any article or any
country" and requires the President, when taking any such action, to
"consider the factors set forth in Sections 501 and 502(c)." TTA 1984
Section 505(a)(1); TA 1974 Section 504(a)(1), as amended; 19 U.S.C. 2464(a)(1)
(emphasis added). The Act also created a system of "general reviews"
to ensure that these statutory criteria are met. TTA 1984 Section 505(b); TA
1974 Section 504(c)(2)(A), as amended; 19 U.S.C. 2464(c)(2)(A); see also
15 C.F.R. 2007.3. This
GSP Subcommittee is asked to follow the explicit intent of Congress, and advise
the President to "vigorously exercise" his authority to withdraw,
suspend or limit GSP eligibility of the Dominican Republic for its
non-compliance with the statutory criterion on IPR in the GSP Program. Over
the years, retaining GSP benefits has figured prominently in the decisions of a
number of countries to improve their IPR protection. In the 1980s, such leverage
was used to encourage Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia to adopt new copyright
legislation. IIPA has filed petitions against several countries for their
failure to provide adequate and effective copyright protection. IIPA petitions
which have been accepted by USTR over the past ten years (1989-1998) include:
Indonesia, Thailand, Cyprus, Egypt, El Salvador, Turkey and Poland. IIPA has
participated in GSP IPR reviews involving Malta, Guatemala, the Dominican
Republic, Honduras, Panama, and Paraguay (all of which were initiated by other
petitioners or by USTR). IIPA also filed petitions in 1995 against the Russian
Federation, the Philippines, Bolivia and Peru which, we learned in October
1996, were not accepted by USTR for the 1995 GSP Annual Review. A GSP petition
which IIPA filed against Turkey in June 1993 remains under investigation. The
GSP Renewal Act of 1996 When
the GSP Program was reauthorized in August 1996, the language of the IPR
discretionary criterion for GSP eligibility in Section 502(c)(5) was simplified
slightly and now requires the President to "take into account the
extent to which such country is providing adequate and effective protection of
intellectual property rights." The expired law specified (as
discussed above) that each beneficiary country provide "adequate and
effective means under its laws for foreign nationals to secure, to exercise and
to enforce exclusive rights in intellectual property, including patents,
trademarks, and copyrights." Otherwise, the GSP Renewal Act contains
identical IPR provisions, including "mandatory" criteria denying GSP
status to countries that directly or indirectly expropriate U.S. property
(including intellectual property), and authorizing the President to withdraw,
suspend or limit GSP privileges based on failure to meet the IPR criteria. CBERA In
addition to GSP benefits, the Dominican Republic also receives a very
significant amount of additional trade benefits under the Caribbean Basin
Economic Recovery Act (CBERA). The enactment in 1983 of this Act was
a key point in the use of U.S. trade policy to promote exports of products and
services protected by copyright because, for the first time, Congress
explicitly linked trade benefits to intellectual property protection by
beneficiary countries. Under the CBI program, countries can only receive trade
preferences if they satisfy statutory criteria; these include intellectual
property rights (IPR) standards. In submitting the Second Report on the
Operation of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act to Congress, President
Clinton acknowledged that intellectual property rights concerns remain in the
region, and the possibility of losing CBI benefits "serves as an incentive
to encourage countries to work toward enforcing adequate intellectual property
rights...." The Dominican Republic
Fails to Provide "Adequate and Effective Protection" of U.S.
Copyrights To
the best of petitioner’s knowledge, much of the information describing the
deficiencies in the Domincan Republic’s legal and enforcement regime has been
presented previously to members of various U.S. governmental interagency
groups, including the Special 301 interagency group, several members of the GSP
Subcommittee, as well as the Trade Policy Staff Committee, in the context of
USTR’s Annual Special 301 Review. On February 16, 1999, IIPA presented its
annual Special 301 submission to Assistant USTR for Services, Investment and
Intellectual Property Joseph Papovich; this submission was widely distributed
among the interagency for its internal consideration in the 1999 Special 301
Annual Review. IIPA’s entire report is available on our website. In
fact, USTR itself has highlighted both copyright and patent deficiencies in the
Dominican Republic’s IPR regime. When she elevated the Dominican Republic to
the Special 301 Priority Watch List six weeks ago, Ambassador Charlene
Barshefsky said, "The Dominican Republic must bring its legal regime into
conformity with TRIPS by January 1, 2000. As a major beneficiary of the
Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) and the Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP), it is incumbent upon the Government of the Dominican Republic
to provide adequate and effective protection for intellectual property." 1. The Copyright Law and the
Telecommunications Law in the Dominican Republic Contains Deficiencies Which
Render Legal Protection Inadequate and Ineffective The
Dominican Republic needs to revise its current copyright law in order to meet
its TRIPS obligations, as well as its bilateral trade obligations. Copyright
protection in the Dominican Republic is based on its 1986 Copyright Law, No.
32-86 of July 4, 1998, and related regulations. The Dominican Republic acceded
to the Berne Convention, effective December 24, 1997, and is also a member of
the Universal Copyright Convention (since 1983). It is not a member of the
Geneva Phonograms Convention (1971). Current Copyright Law The 1986 Copyright Law contains
several provisions which do not comply with the Dominican Republic’s
international and bilateral copyright obligations, and requires clarification
in several key areas, in several areas. Below is an illustrative, not
exhaustive, list: o
Terms of
protection, particularly for cinematographic works and photographs (under
Articles 27 and 26), must be extended to meet at least satisfy the TRIPS
standards. For cinematographic works, the law presently provides a term of only
30 years after first publication or exhibition; this should be extended to
track the term established under U.S. law, which is 95 years after publication.
from the law are procedures for copyright owners to obtain and conduct civil ex
parte searches (surprise civil searches conducted without notice to the
suspect), which is required by TRIPS Article 50. o
programs should be expressly protected as "literary works," as
required by TRIPS. o
exceptions to protection should be limited by the TRIPS Article 13 tri-partite
test. The broad, personal use exception in Article 36 should not be applied to
computer programs. Furthermore, the translation and compulsory reproduction
licenses for foreign works do not track the terms of the Appendix of the Berne
Convention (1971). o
protection for pre-existing works, sound recordings and performances must be
ensured, in accordance with TRIPS Articles 9.1 and 14.6 It is imperative to
recapture protection for those foreign works, sound recordings and performances
which have not fallen into the public domain in their country of origin. o
for copyright infringement are not sufficient to provide adequate and effective
protection, nor to deter piracy. Article 164 of the 1986 law states that
copyright infringers are subject to a criminal fine of only 1,000 to 10,000
pesos (about US$65 to US$650). The
Market Order Bill Reports
indicate that comprehensive legislation known as the Market Order Bill
("Proyecto de Codigo de Ordenamiento de Mercado") was submitted to
the Senate in October 1998. This bill includes new laws on copyright,
industrial property, antitrust, and consumer protection. Local counsel
indicates that the bill includes specific provisions for administrative and
customs actions, civil ex parte actions, and a section on criminal
procedures. The Senate continues to study the bill, and no schedule for action
is known to IIPA. IIPA has been informed that the local Dominican industry
groups, particularly those representing industrial property interests, have
voiced objections to many of the substantive provisions in the sections on
industrial property and administration measures in the Market Order Bill.
Yesterday IIPA obtained the Spanish text of this bill and will begin to review
its copyright and other key provisions in more detail, and reserves the right
to provide additional comments on this bill. 1998
General Telecommunications Law In addition to the deficiencies
in the 1986 Copyright Law, a 1998 telecommunications law also contains
deficiencies which have stymied the enforcement of cable piracy. The Dominican
Republic promulgated the General Telecommunications Law No. 153-98 which
improves the regulation of television programming. A new agency, INDOTEL (the
Dominican Republic Telecommunications Institute) is now empowered to regulate
and control telecom issues, including the granting and revocation of operating
licenses, inspecting business and equipment, and applying sanctions for
non-compliance. The Motion Picture Association, an IIPA member, reports its
understanding that INDOTEL will be taking actions to enforce against cable
piracy and satellite signal theft. However,
the new telecommunications law revoked Decree 84-93 (1993) which had applied
the copyright law to the retransmission of television programming by cable. In
effect, there is less protection now for television programming and such
audiovisual works than there was before the 1998 law was enacted. Presently
there is a gap in protection, and this gap must be closed. INDOTEL must have
the authority to require cable operators to comply with the copyright law and
be subject to sanctions for failure to do so. 2. Enforcement Efforts
Against Piracy in the Dominican Republic Are Inadequate and Ineffective A. An overview of TRIPS Agreement
enforcement obligations which will afford guidance in the evaluation of the
Dominican government’s efforts on enforcement Critical
to our discussion of the Dominican Republic’s is its performance toward
complying with the GSP statutory standard of "providing adequate and
effective protection of intellectual property rights." For the purpose of
this GSP review, IIPA suggests that the GSP Subcommittee should look to the
enforcement provisions found in Part III of the TRIPS Agreement to evaluate the
effectiveness of the Dominican Republic’s copyright enforcement efforts.
Because the GSP statute itself does not define this standard, IIPA asserts that
any standard of "adequate and effective" in the enforcement
realm should, at the very least, meet the obligations outlined in the
TRIPS Agreement. And because IIPA’s analysis of the Dominican Republic’s
performance of its copyright enforcement efforts fall short of the TRIPS
standard, we also conclude that the Dominican Republic fails to meet its
statutory obligations under the GSP Program to provide "adequate and
effective protection." The U.S. Government should not be subsidizing,
through its award of unilateral preferential trade benefits, the theft of U.S.
copyrighted materials in the Dominican Republic, which fails to meet its
already existing obligations under GSP to protect intellectual property,
including copyrights. The
purpose of this discussion below is to provide the GSP Subcommittee with
tangible guidance on the key elements of an effective copyright enforcement
regime under TRIPS. As the minimum standard of copyright protection in a
multilateral world, TRIPS copyright obligations enter fully into force for
developing countries (LDCs) on January 1, 2000 (see TRIPS Article 65). These
LDCs must bring their statutory laws and, most importantly, their enforcement
systems into compliance with these standards. The TRIPS enforcement
obligations were developed in recognition of the critical importance of
enforcement to any effective IP regime. In the area of copyright enforcement,
there are three articles in the TRIPS enforcement text that are the most
relevant. These are Articles 41 (general obligations), 50 (provisional measures
in civil cases) and 61 (criminal remedies), and are attached hereto as Appendix
1. In virtually every country in the world, most of the copyright
industries deal with piracy through criminal enforcement. Years of experience
have led these industries and virtually every country to conclude that civil
remedies are simply not sufficient to deter commercial piracy. The one
exception, viable in some countries with mature civil remedies, involves
enforcement against corporate and other commercial end-users of business
software. With this type of software piracy, the infringers are otherwise
legitimate businesses who cannot afford to have their reputations sullied by
allegations of illegal conduct. Article 41 sets out the general
obligations of each WTO member, including the Dominican Republic. These obligations
apply to all areas of enforcement --- civil, administrative, criminal and
enforcement at the border. First, the requirement that enforcement procedures
permit "effective action" speaks to all possible remedies,
including civil, administrative and criminal procedures, as well as border
measures, customs, tax and communications procedures. Further, and most
importantly, procedures that meet the test of effective action can only be
tested in actual practice. They must result in the reduction of the level of
piracy in that country. If not, they are not "effective." Second,
"available" remedies does not mean that remedies only appear in the
statutory law. Even if a country’s copyright law is amended to include criminal
remedies for copyright infringement, for example, those amendments will not
make the criminal remedy "available" unless they are actually used in
practice. Third, remedies that are "available" must be "expeditious".
The ex parte civil search order required under Article 50 of TRIPS
(discussed below) must also be available without overly burdensome documentary
or evidentiary requirements, and must be available at a reasonable cost (see
TRIPS Article 41.2). The same applies to search warrants and seizure orders
issued by a criminal court. For example, criminal cases that take three to four
years to reach judgement simply do not meet the test of
"expeditious." Finally, and perhaps most importantly, these remedies
must constitute a "deterrent to further infringements." This phrase
is key to the TRIPS enforcement text. To determine whether a country has
satisfied this requirement, the results of the enforcement system must be
objectively analyzed. There are several indicia that may provide needed
evidence to determine whether a remedy is "deterrent." One of the
most clear-cut tests is the change over time of the piracy level. In the
Dominican Republic, the levels of piracy in at least three industries are over
70%. Under Article 61 of TRIPS,
effective criminal enforcement has two major elements: (a) effective searches
and seizures of pirate product by the police without notice to the infringer
(raids), and (b) the existence in statutory law of deterrent criminal penalties
and, in combination with Article 41, their imposition by judges in practice. Specifically, Article 61 obliges
countries to "provide for" criminal procedures and penalties "at
least in cases of willful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy."
Imprisonment and fines must be "sufficient to provide a deterrent."
Article 41 combined with Article 61 (which should be understood as subsumed
within the requirements of Article 41), requires countries to "provide
for" or make "available" remedies not just in the law, but in
practice as well. This obligation cannot be satisfied if no significant
fines or imprisonment have been meted out against commercial pirates, or if
sentences are regularly suspended or are commuted to low fines. Article 61 also provides that
seizure, forfeiture and destruction of the infringing goods and any
"materials and implements the predominant use of which has been in the
commission of the offense" must be available. This means all three actions
(seizure, forfeiture and destruction of goods); simply seizing goods and
leaving them to gather dust in a warehouse will not suffice (particularly if
the pirate walks away unpunished and continues to remain in business). It
cannot be underestimated how important the seizure, forfeiture and destruction
of "materials and implements the predominant use of which has been in the
commission of the offense" is in fighting piracy. Even where VCRs,
computers and other machines have been seized, returning them to the pirates is
extremely damaging and only encourages pirates to continue piratical
activities. If fines are too low, or equipment and pirate goods are not seized,
forfeited and destroyed, enforcement will not meet the test of
"deterrence"; it will constitute simply a cost of doing business for
the pirate. Article 50 of TRIPS provides for
provisional (or injunctive) relief in cases where the alleged infringer is
present in court to defend against the rightholders request to stop the
infringing conduct or to preserve evidence. But Article 50 also applies to
cases where it is imperative that the rightholder search the defendant’s
premises and seize infringing product and other evidence without notice to the
alleged infringer. This is an essential remedy in civil cases since it is so
easy to destroy the evidence of infringement in many cases, such as where a
company has made unauthorized copies of software by loading them on the hard
disks of all computers in a business network. Again, it is not sufficient that
this remedy be merely in the law. Article 50 (and Article 41) provide that
these procedure be "expeditious." This requirement cannot be judged
by mere reference to the law; it compliance must be judged by its
"effective" use in practice. The Dominican Republic’s law fails to
afford any civil ex parte remedy, and this omission must be fixed. B. Description of piracy and enforcement problems, by
industry sector In
addition to the insufficient criminal penalties for copyright
infringement in the 1986 Copyright Law (as discussed above), Dominican courts
generally have not imposed these penalties in practice. However, BSA did obtain
a significant default judgment against a software piracy three months, as
described further below. The
copyright law does not allow civil ex parte investigations and
inspections, and its provisions for criminal ex parte investigations and
inspections are undermined by inconsistent and antiquated criminal procedure
requirements. As a WTO member, the Dominican Republic is obligated to meet both
its substantive copyright obligations as well as the enforcement text (civil,
administrative and provisional measures, and criminal penalties and remedies)
as of January 1, 2000. The
Dominican government’s response to piracy has been disappointing in other ways.
In March 1997, it announced the formation of an interagency anti-piracy group
(COPAL) to process complaints against all forms of piracy through the public
prosecutor’s office, and to seize illegal material and close businesses
involved in piratical activity. However, COPAL has yet to be legally
established and become operational. In July 1998, the government established a
new Intellectual Property Department within the District Attorney's Office for
Santo Domingo, but it did not perform up to expectations. A new staff hire in
March 1999 has resulted in some positive change, with the business software
industry reporting improved cooperation in the last few months. Computer Programs:
Business Applications BSA reports continuing
difficulties with the judiciary, and some very recent improvement regarding
on-the-ground cooperation with the prosecutors. A very serious problem
affecting the business software industry is the high cost of bonds required in
criminal cases. Over the past 17 months, BSA members have been required by
Dominican courts to pay over US$580,000 in bonds in six criminal cases as a
condition to litigating copyright infringement cases in these courts. In these
cases, BSA members' filed claims totalling $1.3 million dollars; the bonds
alone cost over one-third of the requested relief. The most egregious
example is a case involving the defendant T&L Software. Last summer, BSA
members filed an action requesting relief in the amount of $12,500; on August
27, 1998, the court imposed a bond of $195,000, over 15 times the amount
of the claim requested. The imposition of these onerous
bonds makes judicial enforcement of BSA members' copyrights virtually
impossible. Almost every defendant today petitions a Dominican court to impose
these bonds on BSA members. Furthermore, under the Dominican civil code, only
non-Dominicans are required to pay bonds for instituting suits in Dominican
courts. The magnitude and discriminatory nature of these bonds appears to
violate the Dominican Republic’s current TRIPS national treatment obligation,
which is not subject to transition (TRIPS Article 3 provided that "Each
Member shall accord to the nationals of other Members treatment no less
favorable than it accords to its own nationals with regard to the protection of
intellectual property . . . ."). Clearly this discriminatory treatment
will also conflict with the government’s upcoming TRIPS Article 41(2)
obligation require that procedures concerning the enforcement of intellectual
property rights be "fair and equitable," nor "unnecessarily
complicated or costly." Amidst these judicial problems
confronting BSA members, there has been some good news on the enforcement side.
In March 1999, BSA obtained its first-ever verdict against a pirate in a case
brought under the copyright law. The defendant in this case was the Santo
Domingo software reseller Serecom-Raessa. This verdict requires the defendant
to pay $25,000 to the two BSA member companies named in the case, and also
requires the president of Serecom-Raessa to serve three months in jail. The
verdict was rendered under a procedure akin to a default judgement, because the
defendant did not appear in court. The defendant is appealing the verdict. Turning
from judicial issues toward on-the-ground enforcement issues, BSA does note
some very recent improvement with the prosecutors. As mentioned above, the
government established a new Intellectual Property Department within the
District Attorney's Office for Santo Domingo in July 1998. However, this
Department's anti-piracy activities were disappointing during 1998 and into the
early part of 1999. For example, in August 1998, the Department refused to
inspect fully an end-user which claimed (falsely) to be "negotiating"
with the BSA to legalize its software use. In November 1998, the Department
aborted an inspection against a company owned by a prominent Dominican family.
Upon being denied admission to the premises of this company, the head of the
D.A.'s Intellectual Property Department merely walked away, without invoking
her legal authority to enter and inspect the premises for pirated works. In
December 1998, the Department raided a Santo Domingo reseller before the
BSA test purchase from this reseller was available for inspection (The BSA had
told the Department the date this test purchase would be available). After the
BSA requested that the Department reinspect the reseller's premises on the date
the test purchase was scheduled for pick-up by BSA investigators, the head of
the Department replied that she would not go on a "witch hunt"
against pirates. BSA representatives had much greater success last year in
coordinating anti-piracy efforts with prosecutors outside Santo Domingo. Software copyright enforcement
in Santo Domingo has improved greatly since March 1999. This change coincides
with the March hiring of a new assistant district attorney heading the
Intellectual Property Department of the Santo Domingo D.A.'s Office. This D.A.
has demonstrated in several actions/raids his willingness to invoke Dominican law
against software pirates. BSA is hopeful that this anti-piracy initiative
reflects a new long-term policy for copyright protection in Santo Domingo.
After such a promising start, it would be a great disappointment if this new
copyright enforcement initiative proves to be a short-lived phenomenon. These
successful anti-piracy actions/raids were initiated in spite of several
problems with the Dominican Republic’s copyright law which provides for
criminal but not civil ex parte inspections. However, even this criminal
authority is ineffective due to inconsistent and antiquated criminal
procedures. Because of these flaws with the copyright law and criminal
procedures, software owners have been forced to rely on the Dominican Trademark
Law to initiate these actions. The trademark law authorizes a private party to
request a criminal, but not a civil, ex parte investigation of potential
counterfeiting. Unfortunately, the trademark law provides inadequate remedies
for infringements (100 pesos, or about US$8), and thus is not an adequate
anti-piracy measure. BSA
estimates that the level of business software piracy in the Dominican Republic
was 73% in 1998. The estimated losses to U.S. business software publishers due
to this piracy were $7.4 million last year. In May 1998, a copyright seminar
for judges and District Attorneys was hosted by ONDA and co-sponsored by BSA.
BSA has hosted or co-sponsored several other such seminars in the past. Similar
copyright seminars and training sessions are planned for the future. The
Business Software Alliance (BSA) works with PROSOFT Dominicana, the local
business software anti-piracy association. Sound Recordings and
Musical Compositions Piracy
of sound recordings and music in the Dominican Republic is rampant. Although
the problem is primarily in the form of pirate cassettes, piratical CDs and
CD-Rs are beginning to appear. Street vendors selling these cassettes crowd the
sidewalks in the commercial centers in Santo Domingo and throughout the island.
The average price of a pirate audiocassette on the streets is approximately
US$2.00. Significantly, the street vendors are supplied by wholesale
distributors at fixed locations which openly sell this product at an average
price of US$1.00 per cassette. The situation is so out-of-control that
piratical product can even be purchased at the Santo Domingo airport. Because
the distribution channels for illicit sound recordings are well developed, the
music industry fears that as CD hardware becomes more and more accessible to
the population, CD piracy will eventually replace cassette piracy. A
statistical survey of sound recording piracy in the Dominican Republic is not
available at this time. However, based on cursory surveys conducted earlier
this year, the recording industry estimates piracy rates to be in the
neighborhood of 80% for cassettes and 15% for CDs, resulting in trade losses
between US$2 million and US$3 million. There
are a number of factors that contribute to the piracy problem in the Dominican
Republic. Two of the most critical: First, in the view of the recording
industry, there is no clear commitment or directive from the government in the
area of intellectual property protection, and consequently, there is no
enforcement of existing laws to protect against record and music piracy. Second, inordinately high import duties
and excise taxes tariffs of 33% serve to shield domestic producers of piratical
product by making legitimate imported product disproportionately more
expensive. The imposition of these tariffs and taxes also result in the denial
of "equitable and reasonable access to the markets and basic commodity
resources" of the Dominican Republic; this is part of the discretionary
criteria of the GSP Program found in Section 502 (c)(4) of the Trade Act. It is
the recording industry’s understanding that imported sound recordings are
subject to a 30% import tariff on the CIF value of the goods. An excise tax of
15% is also levied on the aggregate of the CIF value plus the 30% import
tariff. Finally, a value added tax (referred to as the ITBIS) of 8% is imposed
on the aggregate of the CIF value, plus the 30% import tariff, plus
the 15% excise tax. The combined effect of the import tariff, excise tax and
value added tax is the imposition of a 61% tax on imported sound recordings.
This hardly constitutes reasonable and equitable market access for U.S. goods. Book Publishing Piracy
problems in the Dominican Republic primarily involve illegal photocopying of
English as a Second Language (ESL) textbooks. New book distributors continue to
open stores in the country. 3. Because of Inadequate and
Ineffective Copyright Protection and Enforcement in the Dominican Republic,
U.S. Copyright Owners Suffer Economic Harm Estimated
losses due to the piracy of U.S. copyrighted products in the Dominican Republic
for 1998 were at least $12.4 million: ESTIMATED
TRADE LOSSES DUE TO PIRACY (in millions of U.S. dollars) and
LEVELS OF PIRACY : 1995 - 1998
as Appendix 2 is the methodology
used by IIPA members to calculate estimated losses due to copyright piracy.
This methodology was also submitted to USTR in IIPA’s 1999 Special 301
submission. CONCLUSION For
the reasons stated in this submission, IIPA requests that the TPSC initiate a
review the GSP and CBERA country eligibility of the Dominican Republic for its
failure to provide adequate and effective copyright protection for U.S.
copyright owners and its failure to provide equitable and reasonable market
access. If requisite improvements are not made in the Dominican Republic to
remedy these deficiencies, then IIPA requests that the U.S. suspend its
eligibility or withdraw GSP and/or CBERA benefits of the Dominican Republic, in
whole or in part. Respectfully
submitted, Eric
H. Smith President
Intellectual Property Alliance Enclosures