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16, 1999 GSP Subcommittee Office of the
U.S. Trade Representative 600 17th Street
NW, Room 518 Washington, DC 20508 Re: Request for Review of the Intellectual Property Rights Practices of Lebanon in the 1999 Annual GSP Country Eligibility Practices Review, 64 Fed. Reg. 20046 (April 23, 1999) To the
On April 23, 1999, the Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) of the
Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) published in the
Federal Register a notice announcing the 1999 Annual Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP) Product and Country Eligibility Practices Review. USTR
indicated that interested parties "may submit petitions to have the
GSP status of any eligible beneficiary developing country reviewed with
respect to any of the designation criteria listed in subsections 502(b) or
502(c) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(b) and (c))." See 64
Fed. Reg. 20047.
The International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) hereby
submits its request that the eligibility of LEBANON as a GSP beneficiary
developing country be reviewed, and that its GSP benefits be suspended or
withdrawn, in whole or in part,
if requisite improvements are not made by Lebanon to remedy the
deficiencies (outlined below) which adversely affect U.S. copyright
owners. In 1997, Lebanon exported goods valued at $29.2 million in
preferential trade benefits under GSP, or almost 87% of its total exports
to the U.S. In 1998, Lebanon received $25.6 million in preferential trade
benefits under GSP, or nearly 95% of its total exports to the U.S. Last
year, Congress reauthorized the GSP program through June 30, 1999.
Currently there are several bills pending before Congress which would
extend the GSP program. Petitioner
and its Interest: The International Intellectual Property Alliance
IIPA is a coalition of seven trade associations that collectively
represent the U.S. copyright-based industries C
the motion picture, music and recording, business and entertainment
software, and book publishing industries. IIPA’s member associations are
the Association of American Publishers (AAP), AFMA (formerly the American
Film Marketing Association), the Business Software Alliance (BSA), the
Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA), the Motion Picture
Association of America (MPAA), the National Music Publishers’
Association (NMPA) and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
These member associations represent over 1,350 U.S. companies
producing and distributing works protected by copyright laws throughout
the world C all types of computer software including business
software and entertainment software (such as videogame CDs and cartridges,
personal computer CDs and multimedia products); motion pictures,
television programs, home videocassettes and DVDs; music, records, CDs and
audiocassettes; and textbooks, tradebooks, reference and professional
publications and journals (in both electronic and print media).
These U.S.
copyright-based industries represent the leading edge of the world's high
technology, entertainment and publishing industries. According to the most
recent edition of the report, Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy:
The 1998 Report, prepared for IIPA by Economists, Inc., these core copyright
industries accounted for $278.4 billion in value added to the U.S.
economy, or approximately 3.65% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in
1996 (the last year for which complete data is available).
The total copyright industries accounted in 1996 for $433.9 billion in
value added, or approximately 5.68% of GDP. The core copyright
industries’ share of the GDP grew more than twice as fast as the
remainder of the U.S. economy between 1977 and 1996 (5.5% vs. 2.6%).
Employment in the core copyright industries grew at close to three times
the employment growth in the economy as a whole between 1977 and 1996
(4.0% vs. 1.6%). More than 6.5 million workers were employed by the total
copyright industries, about 5.15% of the total U.S. work force, in 1996.
The core copyright industries accounted for an estimated $60.15 billion in
foreign sales and exports in 1996, a 13% gain over the $53.25 billion
generated in 1995. The Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy
report has been made widely available to officials working on country and
IPR issues at USTR, and throughout other agencies, including the State
Department, the Commerce Department, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office,
and the U.S. Copyright Office. IIPA’s press release on the issuance of
this report is available on IIPA’s website, at http://www.iipa.com/html/pr_05071998.html.
The U.S. creative industries represent one of the few sectors of
the U.S. economy that regularly contributes to a positive balance of
trade. It is essential to the continued growth and future competitiveness
of these industries that our trading partners provide free and open
markets and high levels of protection to the copyrights on which this
trade depends. Inexpensive and accessible reproduction technologies make
it possible for U.S. copyrighted works to be pirated C
stolen C
in other countries, and including specifically for the purposes of this
petition, Lebanon. However, the copyright industries represented in IIPA
lose an estimated $20-22 billion annually due to piracy outside the United
States. These staggering losses, if not halted, could reverse this path of
growth in these sectors, threaten the high wage employment that these
industries bring to the U.S. economy, and damage U.S. competitiveness. In
addition to the worldwide problem of piracy, several foreign countries
have erected market access barriers to U.S. copyright products. To combat
these dual problems in developing countries, the U.S. copyright-based
industries joined with the Administration and Congress to fashion new
legislation and negotiating tools. IIPA and its members have supported
various trade tools with IPR provisions over the years, including the GSP
Program, Special 301, Section 301, the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery
Act, and the Andean Trade Preferences Act. Action
Requested by Petitioner
Pursuant to Section 501 et seq. of the Trade Act of 1974, as
amended, 19 U.S.C. 2461 et seq., and 15 C.F.R. Part 2007, and pursuant
specifically to Section 502(c)(5) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(c)(5)),
and 15 C.F.R. 2007.0(b), IIPA, on behalf of its seven trade association
members, hereby petitions the President to review the eligibility of
Lebanon as a GSP beneficiary developing country, and if requisite
improvements are not made by Lebanon, then IIPA requests the President to
suspend or withdraw GSP benefits of Lebanon, in whole or in part, for its
failure to provide adequate and effective copyright protection for U.S.
copyright owners. Legal
Authority for this Petition and Discussion of the IPR Criteria in the GSP
Provisions tying intellectual property protection to trade benefits
were first added to the Trade and Tariff Act of 1984 [hereinafter "TTA
1984"]. Title V of the TTA 1984, known as the GSP Renewal Act of
1984, renewed the GSP Program which had been introduced in the Trade Act
of 1974 [hereinafter "TA 1974"], and specifically required the
President to consider intellectual property protection in determining
whether to designate a developing country as eligible for GSP benefits.
The GSP Program provides unilateral, non-reciprocal duty-free tariff
treatment to over 4,400 articles imported from more than 140 countries and
territories designated beneficiary countries and territories (these are
less developing countries) to aid their economic development through
preferential market access. An additional 1,700 articles are eligible for
GSP treatment for specified least developing countries. While there has
been a minor change in the statutory language between the GSP Renewal Act
of 1984 and the GSP Renewal Act of 1996, the Act remains essentially the
same as in 1984. The legislative history of the 1984 Renewal Act is
particularly instructive on the important link between GSP benefits and
strong IPR protection.
The GSP Renewal Act of 1984
In the GSP Renewal Act of 1984, Congress specified conditions that
GSP beneficiary countries must meet in order to gain and maintain their
preferential trading status. In particular, one of these express
conditions (which Congress also delineated as one "purpose" of
the GSP Program) was to encourage developing countries "to provide
effective means under which foreign nationals may secure, exercise, and
enforce exclusive intellectual property rights."
The legislation required the President to apply mandatory and
discretionary criteria with respect to IPR protection as a condition to a
country achieving "beneficiary" status under the GSP Program.
The mandatory criterion prohibited the designation of a country from
becoming a "beneficiary developing country" if, for example,
"such country has nationalized, expropriated, or otherwise seized
ownership or control of property, including patent, trademarks, or
copyrights, owned by a United States citizen or by a corporation,
partnership, or association which is 50 percent or more beneficially owned
by United States citizens." See Section 503(b)(4) of the GSP
Renewal Act of 1984, now codified at 19 U.S.C. 2462(b)(2)(D).
The GSP Renewal Act of 1984 added as a discretionary criterion, in
determining whether to designate a developing country as eligible to
receive GSP duty-free trade treatment, namely, that
the President shall take into account . . . the extent to which
[the] country is providing adequate and effective means under its laws for
foreign nations to secure, to exercise, and to enforce exclusive rights in
intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Section 503(c)(5)
of the GSP Renewal Act of 1984, codified at 19 U.S.C. 2462(c)(5).
The Senate Finance Committee Report explained that
[t]o determine whether a country provides "adequate and
effective means," the President should consider the extent of
statutory protection for intellectual property (including the scope and
duration of such protection), the remedies available to aggrieved parties,
the willingness and ability of the government to enforce intellectual
property rights on behalf of foreign nationals, the ability of foreign
nationals effectively to enforce their intellectual property rights on
their own behalf and whether the country’s system of law imposes
formalities or similar requirements that, in practice, are an obstacle to
meaningful protection. S. Rep.
No.98-485, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. At 11 (1984). The Senate Report
also noted
[i]n delegating this discretionary authority to the President, it
is the intent of the Committee that the President will vigorously
exercise the authority to withdraw, to suspend or to limit GSP eligibility
for non-complying countries . . . . The Report
additionally pointed out that
[w]here valid and reasonable complaints are raised by U.S. firms
concerning a beneficiary country’s market access policy or protection of
intellectual property rights, for example, it is expected that such
interests will be given prominent attention by the President in deciding
whether to modify duty-free treatment for that country. Id.
at 12-13 (emphasis added). The House Ways and Means Committee stated that
"countries wishing to reap the benefits of preferential duty-free
access to the U.S. market must fulfill international
responsibilities" in the intellectual property area. House Rep. No.
98-1090, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. at 12 (1984).
The IPR criteria are a condition, not only for obtaining GSP
benefits in the first place, but also for retaining them. The 1984 Act
authorized the President to "withdraw, suspend, or limit the
application of the duty-free treatment accorded under Section 501 of this
title with respect to any article or any country" and requires
the President, when taking any such action, to "consider the factors
set forth in Sections 501 and 502(c)." TTA 1984 Section 505(a)(1); TA
1974 Section 504(a)(1), as amended; 19 U.S.C. 2464(a)(1) (emphasis added).
The Act also created a system of "general reviews" to ensure
that these statutory criteria are met. TTA 1984 Section 505(b); TA 1974
Section 504(c)(2)(A), as amended; 19 U.S.C. 2464(c)(2)(A); see also
15 C.F.R. 2007.3.
This GSP Subcommittee is asked to follow the explicit intent of
Congress, and advise the President to "vigorously exercise" his
authority to withdraw, suspend or limit GSP eligibility of Lebanon for its
non-compliance with the statutory criterion on IPR in the GSP Program.
Over the years, retaining GSP benefits has figured prominently in
the decisions of a number of countries to improve their IPR protection. In
the 1980s, such leverage was used to encourage Singapore, Indonesia and
Malaysia to adopt new copyright legislation. IIPA has filed petitions
against several countries for their failure to provide adequate and
effective copyright protection. IIPA petitions which have been accepted by
USTR over the past ten years (1989-1998) include: Indonesia, Thailand,
Cyprus, Egypt, El Salvador, Turkey and Poland. IIPA has participated in
GSP IPR reviews involving Malta, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic,
Honduras, Panama, and Paraguay (all of which were initiated by other
petitioners or by USTR). IIPA also filed petitions in 1995 against the
Russian Federation, the Philippines, Bolivia and Peru which, we learned in
October 1996, were not accepted by USTR for the 1995 GSP Annual Review. A
GSP petition which IIPA filed against Turkey in June 1993 remains under
The GSP Renewal Act of 1996
When the GSP Program was reauthorized in August 1996, the language
of the IPR discretionary criterion for GSP eligibility in Section
502(c)(5) was simplified slightly and now requires the President to
"take into account the extent to which such country is providing adequate
and effective protection of intellectual property rights"
(emphasis added). The expired law specified (as discussed above)
that each beneficiary country provide "adequate and effective means
under its laws for foreign nationals to secure, to exercise and to enforce
exclusive rights in intellectual property, including patents, trademarks,
and copyrights." Otherwise, the GSP Renewal Act contains identical
IPR provisions, including "mandatory" criteria denying GSP
status to countries that directly or indirectly expropriate U.S. property
(including intellectual property), and authorizing the President to
withdraw, suspend or limit GSP privileges based on failure to meet the IPR
Lebanon Fails to Provide "Adequate and Effective
Protection" of U.S. Copyrights
Some of the information describing the deficiencies in Lebanon’s
legal and enforcement regime has been presented previously to members of
various U.S. governmental interagency groups, including the Special 301
interagency group, several members of the GSP Subcommittee, as well as the
Trade Policy Staff Committee, in the context of USTR’s Annual Special
301 Review. On February 16, 1999, IIPA presented its annual Special 301
submission to Assistant USTR for Services, Investment and Intellectual
Property Joseph Papovich; this submission was widely distributed among the
interagency for its internal consideration in the 1999 Special 301 Annual
Review. IIPA’s entire report is available on our website, http://www.iipa.com.
However, there have been several recent developments (including
passage of a new Copyright Law in March, 1999), one of which, in
particular, has given rise to this petition. On May 26, 1999, the Lebanese
Parliament passed a Bill suspending for six months the application of
three articles, under which pirate cable TV operators could be subject to
criminal penalties. In addition to other problems in the Lebanese
copyright regime, this ‘suspension’ of remedies against cable pirates
places Lebanon squarely outside the "adequate and effective"
standard imposed under the GSP statute.
1. The Copyright Law in
Lebanon Contains Deficiencies Which Render Legal Protection Inadequate and
A description of the deficiencies in Lebanon’s copyright legal
regime, as of early February 1999, appears in Appendix 1 (the 1999
IIPA Special 301 report on Lebanon filed with USTR on February 16, 1999 in
the Special 301 Annual Review). It should be noted that, at the time of
our Special 301 report, copyright law in Lebanon was still governed under
an outdated 1924 Decree (as amended), but that since this filing, Lebanon
passed a new Copyright Law (see discussion immediately below). Lebanon is
a member of both the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and
Artistic Works (Rome (1928) Act) ("Berne Convention (1928)), as well
as the International (Rome) Convention for the Protection of Performers,
Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations (1961) ("Rome
Convention"). Lebanon passed its new
Copyright Law on March 16, 1999 (published in the official gazette April
13, 1999; effective June 13, 1999). The new law provides a firm basis for
U.S. works (but not U.S. sound recordings), but contains several other
serious problems, among which are: ·
direct point of attachment for U.S. sound recordings (Article 36). ·
broad exceptions to protection (Articles 23, 25-30, 32-34). ·
mandatory deposit requirement (Articles 76-79), and specifically, the
request for deposit "shall be registered" (Article 79). While
Article 5 states that "works" shall be protected without
formalities (although the law is silent on sound recordings, performances,
broadcasts, etc.), the mandatory deposit provisions not only include
onerous documentary burdens, but also impose fees (much higher for
audiovisual works and sound recordings than for other objects of
protection). There is nothing expressly exempting foreign works,
"audio works," performances, broadcasts, etc. from this
requirement. It is unclear whether these provisions amount to a formality
to the "enjoyment and exercise" of copyright in Lebanon (which
would be a violation of Lebanon’s current Berne Convention obligations);
it should be clarified that these provisions do not apply to foreign
works. ·
An amendment
passed by the Lebanese Parliament on May 26, 1999, ‘suspending’
application of Articles 87-89 of the law (which impose criminal penalties
on pirate cable TV operators) for six months from the effective date of
the law (i.e., until December 13, 1999). Such a ‘suspension.’ This
amendment provides cable TV operators with a license to pirate and to
inflict continuing economic damage on both the international and local
audiovisual industries for the next six months.
2. Suspension of
Criminal Remedies Against Pirate Cable TV Operators Makes Protection of
U.S. Audiovisual Works Inadequate and Ineffective
On May 26, 1999, the Lebanese Parliament passed a Bill suspending
three articles (Articles 87-89) of the newly enacted Copyright Law (due to
come into force on June 13) for six months. Under these articles, pirate
cable TV operators could be subject to criminal penalties. This
‘suspension’ of the new law gives carte blanche to the pirate cable TV
operators to unabashedly steal from the legitimate owners of the rights
under the law. This change sends a terrible signal as to Lebanon’s
preparedness to protect copyright in line with international standards,
and does not bode well for how Lebanon will approach joining the world
trading system. Most importantly, absence of Articles 87-89 will render
the new Copyright Law impotent to fight cable TV piracy while the
suspension remains in place.
For many years, the motion picture industry had been preoccupied
with the fight against rampant broadcast TV piracy in Lebanon. However, in
1997 (upon implementation of the Broadcast Law and the closure of the main
pirate stations) the pirates merely shifted their operations to the cable
TV sector. Cable TV piracy mushroomed quickly in the absence of a response
by the Lebanese Government. Now, as many as 1,500 cable operators in
Lebanon re-transmit the signals of both domestic and foreign terrestrial
and satellite television channels to their subscribers for an average
monthly fee of US$10. Many of these television channels carry motion
pictures and television programs owned and/or distributed by the members
of the Motion Picture Association. Most of the cable operators have not
obtained licenses from the television channels to retransmit their
signals, and have not obtained rights from the MPA member companies or
others to transmit their motion pictures and television programs.
The activities of
these pirate cable TV operators have seriously damaged the local
theatrical, home video and television markets in Lebanon, and cause huge
financial losses not only to the MPA member companies but also to local
Lebanese businesses that have invested in cinemas, video outlets and
broadcast TV stations. Lebanese TV stations have little incentive to
invest in the purchase of movies or TV programs since viewers will have
likely seen them long before their airing on terrestrial TV.
The enactment of the new Copyright Law in March, with tough
penalties against cable piracy, appeared to signal Lebanon’s
appreciation of the seriousness of the cable piracy problem and the need
to do something about it immediately. The industry has looked forward to
prompt and effective criminal enforcement actions against cable piracy.
The May 26 amendments provide cable TV operators with a license to
continue to pirate and inflict devastating economic damage on both the
international and local audiovisual industries for the next six months.
IIPA is at a loss to understand the justification for the Government of
Lebanon’s action in permitting illegal activities, deemed serious enough
to impose criminal penalties, to go unpunished for the next six months.
The Government of Lebanon should take immediate and urgent steps to remove
the suspension.
3. Enforcement Efforts Against Piracy in Lebanon Are
Totally Inadequate and Ineffective
Also important
to our discussion of Lebanon is its performance toward complying with the
GSP statutory standard of "providing adequate and
effective protection of intellectual property rights." For the
purpose of this GSP review, IIPA strongly suggests that the GSP
Subcommittee should look to the enforcement provisions found in Part III
of the TRIPS Agreement (Articles 41 to 61) to evaluate the effectiveness
of Lebanon’s copyright enforcement efforts. Because the GSP statute
itself does not define this standard, IIPA asserts that any
standard of "adequate and effective" in the enforcement realm
should, at the very least, meet the obligations outlined in the
TRIPS Agreement. Further, because we believe Lebanon’s enforcement
efforts fall short of the TRIPS standard, we also conclude that Lebanon
fails to meet its statutory obligations under the GSP Program to provide
"adequate and effective protection." The U.S. Government should
not be subsidizing, through its award of unilateral preferential trade
benefits, the theft of U.S. copyrighted materials in Lebanon, as Lebanon
fails to meet its already existing obligations under GSP to protect
intellectual property,
including copyrights. A description of the
deficiencies in Lebanon’s enforcement regime, as of early February 1999,
appears in Appendix 1 (the 1999 IIPA Special 301 report on Lebanon
filed with USTR on February 16, 1999 in the Special 301 docket). In brief,
the copyright industries raised the following concerns regarding
enforcement, none of which have been addressed in the intervening months.
First, the Lebanese Government has taken no effective measures to
eliminate the use of unauthorized copies of software in Government
offices. Second, there was absolutely no reduction in the rate of video
piracy in 1998. Third, IIPA received reports in February 1999 of the
establishment of one or more pirate optical media (CD) plants in Lebanon.
Without proper controls, these plants could transform Lebanon from a
country with growing piracy in traditional formats to one with staggering
export piracy losses. Fourth, compilation CD-ROMs (with thousands of
dollars worth of software) sell on the streets of Lebanon for US$10. Cable
piracy runs rampant, with unauthorized broadcasts of first run movies
(like "Titanic") showing up on "community cable" TV
stations throughout the country. Fifth, the courts remain backlogged and
inefficient, posing major impediments to effective enforcement of
copyright across the board. Sixth, book piracy in Lebanon, which took root
during the years of civil unrest, is a net-export business.
The purpose of
the following discussion is to provide the GSP Subcommittee with tangible
guidance on the key elements of an effective copyright enforcement regime
under TRIPS. As the minimum standard of copyright protection in a
multilateral world, TRIPS copyright obligations enter fully into force for
developing countries (LDCs) on January 1, 2000 (see TRIPS Article
65). These LDCs must bring their statutory laws and, most importantly,
their enforcement systems into compliance with these standards. The TRIPS enforcement
obligations were developed in recognition of the critical
importance of enforcement to any effective IP regime. In the area of
copyright enforcement, there are three articles in the TRIPS enforcement
text that are the most relevant. These are Articles 41 (general
obligations), 50 (provisional measures in civil cases) and 61 (criminal
remedies), and are attached hereto as Appendix 2. In virtually
every country in the world, most of the copyright industries deal with
piracy through criminal enforcement. Years of experience have led these
industries and virtually every country to conclude that civil remedies are
simply not sufficient to deter commercial piracy. The one exception,
viable in some countries with mature civil remedies, involves enforcement
against corporate and other commercial end-users of business software.
With this type of software piracy, the infringers are otherwise legitimate
businesses who cannot afford to have their reputations sullied by
allegations of illegal conduct. Article 41 sets
out the general obligations of each WTO member, including Lebanon. These
obligations apply to all areas of enforcement --- civil, administrative,
criminal, and border enforcement. First, the requirement that enforcement
procedures permit "effective action" speaks to all
possible remedies, including civil, administrative and criminal
procedures, border measures, customs procedures, as well as enforcement
provisions under tax and communications laws. Further, and most
importantly, procedures that meet the test of effective action can only be
tested in actual practice. They must result in the reduction of the level
of piracy in that country. If not, they are not "effective."
Second, making remedies "available" does not mean that remedies
need only appear in the statutory law. Even if a country’s copyright law
is amended to include criminal remedies for copyright infringement, for
example, those amendments will not make the criminal remedy
"available" unless they are actually used in practice. Third,
remedies that are "available" must be "expeditious".
The ex parte civil search order required under Article 50 of TRIPS
(discussed below) must also be available without overly burdensome
documentary or evidentiary requirements, and must be available at a
reasonable cost (see TRIPS Article 41.2). The same applies to search
warrants and seizure orders issued by a criminal court. For example,
criminal cases that take three to four years to reach judgement simply do
not meet the test of "expeditious." Finally, and perhaps most
importantly, these remedies must constitute a "deterrent to further
infringements." This phrase is key to the TRIPS enforcement text. To
determine whether a country has satisfied this requirement, the results of
the enforcement system must be objectively analyzed. There are several
indicia that may provide needed evidence to determine whether a remedy is
"deterrent." One of the most clear-cut tests is the change over
time of the piracy level. Under Article 61
of TRIPS, effective criminal enforcement has two major elements: (a)
effective searches and seizures of pirate product by the police without
notice to the infringer (raids), and (b) the existence in statutory law of
deterrent criminal penalties and, in combination with Article 41, their
imposition by judges in practice. Specifically,
Article 61 obliges countries to "provide for" criminal
procedures and penalties "at least in cases of willful trademark
counterfeiting or copyright piracy." Imprisonment and fines must be
"sufficient to provide a deterrent." Article 41 combined with
Article 61 (which should be understood as subsumed within the requirements
of Article 41), requires countries to "provide for" or make
"available" remedies not just in the law, but in practice
as well. This obligation cannot be satisfied if no significant fines or
imprisonments have been meted out against commercial pirates, or if
sentences are regularly suspended or are commuted to low fines. Article 61 also
provides that seizure, forfeiture and destruction of the infringing goods
and any "materials and implements the predominant use of which has
been in the commission of the offense" must be available. This means
all three actions (seizure, forfeiture and destruction of goods); simply
seizing goods and leaving them to gather dust in a warehouse will not
suffice (particularly if the pirate walks away unpunished and continues to
remain in business). It cannot be underestimated how important the
seizure, forfeiture and destruction of "materials and implements the
predominant use of which has been in the commission of the offense"
is in fighting piracy. Even where VCRs, computers and other machines have
been seized, returning them to the pirates is extremely damaging and only
encourages pirates to continue piratical activities. If fines are too low,
or equipment and pirate goods are not seized, forfeited and destroyed,
enforcement will not meet the test of "deterrence"; it will
constitute simply a cost of doing business for the pirate. Article 50 of
TRIPS provides for provisional (or injunctive) relief in cases where the
alleged infringer is present in court to defend against the rightholders
request to stop the infringing conduct or to preserve evidence. But
Article 50 also applies to cases where it is imperative that the
rightholder search the defendant’s premises and seize infringing product
and other evidence without notice to the alleged infringer. This is an
essential remedy in civil cases since it is so easy to destroy the
evidence of infringement in many cases, such as where a company has made
unauthorized copies of software by loading them on the hard disks of all
computers in a business network. Again, it is not sufficient that this
remedy be merely in the law. Article 50 (and Article 41) provide that
these procedure be "expeditious." This requirement cannot be
judged by mere reference to the law; it compliance must be judged by its
"effective" use in practice.
Because of Inadequate and Ineffective Copyright Protection and
Enforcement in LEBANON, U.S. Copyright Owners Suffer Economic Harm Total losses to the U.S.
copyright-based industries in Lebanon were estimated at $14.0 million
in 1998, an almost 15% increase from 1997 losses (of $12.4 million). ESTIMATED
millions of U.S. dollars) and
LEVELS OF PIRACY : 1995 - 1998
Attached as Appendix
3 is the methodology used by IIPA members to calculate estimated
losses due to copyright piracy. This methodology was also submitted to
USTR in IIPA’s 1999 Special 301 submission. CONCLUSION
For the reasons stated in this submission (including the
Appendices), IIPA requests that the TPSC initiate a review of the country
eligibility of Lebanon for its failure to provide adequate and effective
copyright protection and enforcement for U.S. copyright owners. If
requisite improvements are not made in Lebanon to remedy these
deficiencies, then IIPA requests that the U.S. suspend Lebanon’s
eligibility or withdraw GSP benefits of Lebanon, in whole or in part.
Respectfully submitted,
Eric H. Smith
International Intellectual Property Alliance Enclosures |