September 01, 2005 IIPA requested to testify at the mid-September hearing held by the Trade Policy Staff Committee on China’s compliance with its WTO commitments.
June 08, 2005 IIPA submitted its views to the USITC on the Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA) and identified copyright problems in the four ATPA countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru).
June 06, 2005 IIPA released final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries; these charts incorporate final 2004 country data on business software piracy received from the Business Software Alliance (BSA). IIPA’s chart of final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries, is available by clicking here. To view USTR’s decisions by region, click on the desired region: Asia Pacific, Europe / Confederation of Independent States (C.I.S.), The Americas and the Caribbean, Middle East / Africa
June 06, 2005 IIPA released final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries; these charts incorporate final 2004 country data on business software piracy received from the Business Software Alliance (BSA). IIPA’s chart of final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries, is available by clicking here. To view USTR’s decisions by region, click on the desired region: Asia Pacific, Europe / Confederation of Independent States (C.I.S.), The Americas and the Caribbean, Middle East / Africa
June 06, 2005 IIPA released final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries; these charts incorporate final 2004 country data on business software piracy received from the Business Software Alliance (BSA). IIPA’s chart of final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries, is available by clicking here. To view USTR’s decisions by region, click on the desired region: Asia Pacific, Europe / Confederation of Independent States (C.I.S.), The Americas and the Caribbean, Middle East / Africa
June 06, 2005 IIPA released final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries; these charts incorporate final 2004 country data on business software piracy received from the Business Software Alliance (BSA). IIPA’s chart of final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries, is available by clicking here. To view USTR’s decisions by region, click on the desired region: Asia Pacific, Europe / Confederation of Independent States (C.I.S.), The Americas and the Caribbean, Middle East / Africa
June 06, 2005 IIPA released final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries; these charts incorporate final 2004 country data on business software piracy received from the Business Software Alliance (BSA). IIPA’s chart of final 2004 data on copyright piracy in USTR’s 2005 Special 301 countries, is available by clicking here. To view USTR’s decisions by region, click on the desired region: Asia Pacific, Europe / Confederation of Independent States (C.I.S.), The Americas and the Caribbean, Middle East / Africa
May 25, 2005 IIPA testified on global copyright piracy, including Russia and China, at the hearing on “Piracy of Intellectual Property” held by the Subcommittee on Intellectual Property of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
May 17, 2005 IIPA testified on copyright piracy in Russia before the House of Representative’s Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property.