April 29, 2005 IIPA expressed concerns about USTRs 2005 Special 301 decisions on China and Russia.To read IIPA’s press release on the 2005 decisions, click here. To access IIPA’s chart of USTR’s 2005 decisions, including IIPA country statistics, click here.
April 29, 2005 IIPA expressed concerns about USTRs 2005 Special 301 decisions on China and Russia.To read IIPA’s press release on the 2005 decisions, click here. To access IIPA’s chart of USTR’s 2005 decisions, including IIPA country statistics, click here.
April 26, 2005 IIPAcelebratedWorld Intellectual Property Day2005 andsupports theSense ofthe Congress Resolution on China and Russiapiracy.
April 04, 2005 IIPA commented on the extension of the Administration’s GSP review of Brazil’s copyright practices and urges swift action by the Brazilian government to reduce piracy, improve enforcement and implement its national anti-piracy plan.
April 01, 2005 IIPA’s Initial Survey on the Contribution of the Copyright Industries to Economic Development (April 2005)
February 11, 2005 IIPA submitted its recommendations on 67 countries to USTR in the 2005 Special 301 review of copyright piracy and market access problems.
February 10, 2005 IIPA press release on its recommendations to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick in the annual “Special 301” review of copyright piracy and market access problems around the world.
February 09, 2005 IIPA submitted “Special 301” Out-of-Cycle Review Recommendationson Chinato USTR urging the U.S. government toCommence Consultations in the World Trade Organization.
January 19, 2005 IIPA commented favorably on USTR’s Out-of-Cycle review decisions upgrading Taiwan to the Watch List and maintaining Poland on the Watch List.