October 07, 2004 IIPA released its tenth economic report which details the continuing significant contributions of the U.S. copyright industries to the U.S. gross domestic product, national employment and foreign sales/exports. To view the full report, click here.
October 07, 2004 IIPA acknowledged the positive impact on global copyright reform and enforcement under 10 years of the WTO TRIPS Agreement and also highlights the achievements of 20 years of actions taken by the IIPA.
September 17, 2004 IIPA filed comments with the U.S. interagency on the copyright and enforcement provisions in the AGOA trade legislation and on the SACU FTA IPR negotiations.
August 06, 2004 IIPA provided updates on copyright law and enforcement issues for theIsrael Special 301 out-of-cycle-review.
August 05, 2004 IIPA commented on the signing of the U.S.-DR-CAFTA, and cautions that the Dominican Republic government must take swift and immediate actions to correct longstanding problems of widespread broadcast piracy and delays in criminal copyright cases.
August 03, 2004 IIPA files commented with the U.S. International Trade Commission on the copyright and enforcement aspects of the U.S.-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement.
July 02, 2004 IIPA reacts toUSTR’s decisions in seven IPR cases in the 2003 GSP Review Cycle (Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, Dominican Republic, Lebanon, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan).