February 14, 2003 IIPA filed comments with the International Trade Commission on the impact of the WTO TRIPS Agreement and the NAFTA IPR Chapter on the U.S. economy.
February 13, 2003 IIPA filed its recommendations to the U.S. Trade Representative in the 2003 Special 301 review on 63 countries’ copyright and enforcement practices. To access the full report, click here.
February 13, 2003 IIPA filed its recommendations to the U.S. Trade Representative in the 2003 Special 301 review on 63 countries’ copyright and enforcement practices. To access the full report, click here.
January 21, 2003 The U.S. copyright industries laud the conclusion of the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.
January 21, 2003 IIPA filed comments with USTR regarding intellectual property rights issues that should be addressed in the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement negotiations.
December 12, 2002 IIPA filed comments with USTR to aid in its preparation of the 2003 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers.
November 05, 2002 The IIPA Presidents wrote to USTR Robert Zoellick about their concerns regarding the reported inadequacy of Chile’s recent FTA proposals affecting copyright and enforcement as well as services and e-commerce.
September 10, 2002 IIPA filed comments with USTR regarding its Notice of Public Hearing concerning China’s compliance with WTO commitments, 67 Fed. Reg. 45580-1 (July 9, 2002).
August 07, 2002 Statement of IIPA President Eric H. Smith – IIPA applauded Congress’s recent passage of Trade Promotion Authority.