December 06, 2001 In a major advance for the future of global electronic commerce, the 30th country necessary to bring the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) into force deposited its instrument of accession at WIPO in Geneva. The WCT will enter info force on March 6, 2002.
October 31, 2001 IIPA reacted to USTR’s Special 301 “Out-of-Cycle” Review Decisions on Malaysia, Costa Rica, and Lithuania, plus Poland.
September 13, 2001 In a letter to Congressional leaders, the IIPA voiced its strong support for the prompt enactment of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). If America’s copyright industries are to remain successful in global markets, the President, in consultation with Congress and the private sector, must have effective and credible authority to negotiate bilateral, regional and multilateral trade agreements that will reduce barriers to American creative works, and enhance intellectual property protection and enforcement available for American creators.
August 07, 2001 IIPA praised U.S. Government action suspending GSP Benefits to Ukraine and imposing possible trade sanctions due to Ukraine’s failure to Combat piracy.
April 30, 2001 IIPA lauded USTR’s decisions to prioritize copyright law and enforcement reforms, and to emphasize optical media and internet piracy, in over 50 countries through the Special 301 trade law process; Special 301 Investigation of Ukraine as “Priority Foreign Country” is underway; 48 countries named to the “Priority Watch List” and “Watch List.”
March 13, 2001 IIPA announced strong support for USTR Zoellicks and the Bush Administrations naming of Ukraine as a Special 301 “Priority Foreign Country.”
February 16, 2001 IIPA 2001 Special 301 submission filed with USTR; IIPA Asks USTR to designate Ukraine as a Special 301 “Priority Foreign Country.”
January 10, 2001 Copyright Enforcement and Protection Practices of Brazil and Russia to be examined by the U.S. Government in GSP Review.
October 31, 2000 IIPA submitted comments to the Expert Committee on Intellectual Property (IP) regarding certain aspects of Japanese copyright legislation in the digital era.