March 06, 2000 IIPA submitted comments to USTR on the IPR-related eligibility criteria of the Andean Trade Preferences Act (ATPA) and the four countries participating in that trade program.
March 04, 2000 IIPA testified in support of the initiation of negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP FTA) with Singapore, Chile, New Zealand, Brunei Darussalam, Australia, Peru and Vietnam.
February 29, 2000 IIPA commented in the USTR docket on the ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement).
February 29, 2000 IIPA offered comments to the government of Singapore regarding jurisdictional and operational aspects of the Copyright Tribunal.
February 18, 2000 IIPA asked USTR to designate Israel and Ukraine as Special 301 “Priority Foreign Countries” in April 2000.
February 15, 2000 IIPA applauded USTRs decision to accept Six IIPA copyright petitions in the 1999 Annual GSP Review.