October 20, 2008 IIPA filed comments on the annual review of country eligibility for benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).
September 26, 2008 IIPA submitted detailed comments regarding copyright protection and market access issues in China to the interagency Trade Policy Staff Committee.
September 22, 2008 IIPA issued statement on the negotiations for an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).
September 10, 2008 IIPA applauds Baucus Hatch introduction of International Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Improvement Act of 2008.
September 08, 2008 IIPA submitted comments in Taiwan out-of-cycle review proceeding, recommending that it remain on the Watch List.
August 04, 2008 IIPA submitted comments regarding Vietnam’s bid to be recognized as a GSP beneficiary country.
July 29, 2008 IIPA filed comments to the USITC on the Andean Trade Preferences Act (ATPA) and copyright-related developments in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia.
June 17, 2008 IIPA’s chart of USTRs April 2008 “Special 301” decisions, which incorporates final 2007 country data on business software piracy received from the Business Software Alliance (BSA), is available by clicking here. To view USTR’s decisions by region, as well as IIPA recommendations which did not make USTR’s final list, please click on the desired link: Asia Pacific, Europe / Confederation of Independent States (C.I.S.), The Americas and the Caribbean, Middle East / Africa